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FKI Strategy:
Request For Comments

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Liberating Knowledge



In the first 5 years of the FKI, the strategy has been designed and kept internally. We felt that it was time to change the process. In short, with the core team we have prepared a Strategy document that we want to discuss with the community, improve and strengthen it where needed. Then, once we have a rough consensus about it, we want to work together putting it in practice.

Strategy in a changing context

The FKI core members have felt the need to update the Strategy of the organisation for a long time. The FKI was founded in 2007 with the mission of applying the principles of Free Software and copyleft to other domains of knowledge. However, our core activities have remained focused on Free Software and education. Moreover, we felt a need to be more effective in the engagement of other people with the Institute. So far we have been a rather closed team, despite the number of people willing to volunteer. We simply didn't have effective structures and processes in place that would make participation a self-organised activity.

Furthermore, the economic context has changed. Until 2011 the FKI team has been rather successful in securing public funding through EC projects, but this context is becoming quickly more challenging. Therefore different funding and business models need to be explored. With the FTA this road has already been entered, to seek a combination of donations, service & tuition fees and public/private funding where possible.

New domains

During the Mid-2000's the FKI core team started to apply the principles of Free Software to educational materials. Since then, education has become the core domain of the FKI's activities. Educational materials as free knowledge, and about other domains, mainly Free Software and Open Standards. In parallel, the Institute has engaged in other domains, but less actively. We think it is time to work together in new domains.

Publications about this Strategy